Gum Disease? Why you Need to See us More Often!

Gum Disease? Why you Need to See us More Often!

by | Oct 3, 2024 | Oral Health

gum disease gregorin dental anchorage alaska dentistThere are plenty of reasons why you should keep your regularly scheduled dentist appointment. Keeping your teeth clean can also keep your body from getting sick. There are direct links to keeping a healthy mouth and staying sickness free, but without the proper care and cleanings that your dentist can only give you, your teeth may be worse off than you thought. Gum disease is very common in aging people and those who only see the dentist when a problem arises. This should not be the case.

What Exactly is Gum Disease?

Many people will question whether or not they have gum disease just by experiencing a burning sensation or seeing their gums inflamed. Although these can be signs of gum disease, it does not mean that the patient has it. There are several stages of gum disease, and how it starts.

First Stage: Gingivitis

When the gums are inflamed, it is because there is a buildup of plaque located near the gum line. This is how gingivitis is detected. There may be some bleeding in the gums because of the toxins released from the bacteria that is not cleaned during brushing or flossing.

Second Stage: Periodontitis

The damage to the bone that hold your teeth in their places cannot be reversed once this stage is present. Pockets will begin to form underneath the gums, which can trap plaque and food. Further damage may be prevented with regular visits and home oral care, but the person cannot fully get rid of it.

Third Stage: Advanced Periodontitis

Gum disease’s last stage, advanced periodontitis, occurs when there is nothing left to hold up the teeth, no fibers or bones. This will cause your teeth to fall out, shift in your mouth, or loosen up. More than likely eating habits will be altered and it will become painful to bite into foods. If gum disease reaches this point, chances are the teeth will need to be removed.

What are the Signs of Gum Disease?

It doesn’t matter what age you are, you are still at risk for gum disease. Although, the older you become, the higher that risk goes. Treatment for gum disease can be reversed if caught within the first stage, or early stages. The following is found with people who have gum disease:

A Shift in your bite, or change in the way it feels when you bite down on foods

The gums are swollen, puffy, tender, or are bright red

Teeth may look larger, or longer, due to the gums pulling away from the tooth

Your gums may bleed whenever you floss or brush them

There are pockets between the teeth and gums, where they have pulled away from the tooth

Bad tastes may be present in the mouth and bad breath is always there

Pus pockets release pus from between the gums and teeth

All of these signs should be determined by a dentist to clarify whether or not the patient has gum disease. The dentist will be able to set up proper dental care for your situation. It is very important to keep brushing at least twice a day. Flossing is great for on the go or during lunch when you cannot make it home to brush. Be sure to let your dentist know any changes that you’ve had in your routine if you have felt any discomfort within the gums or from flossing, brushing, or rinsing.

If you or a loved one is experiencing these signs of gum disease at home, such as the bleeding while brushing and flossing, or any other dental concerns, contact our offices today at (907) 333-5522.

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